Fall Bike Trips (click once on any photo to display full image)
September - October 2019

Fall Bike Trips

Just like last year, we continued biking the trails again this summer and also took a few weekend trips in the fall, two near Harrisburg, PA and one near DC.

York, PA

Our first weekend ride at the end of September was on the Heritage Rail Trail in York, PA and the connecting Torrey C. Brown Rail Trail that extends into Maryland. We split the 48 mile combined length of the two trails over 2 days, doubling back each day in order to return to our car.


Believe it or not, a portion of the railroad on the Heritage Trail is still in use for historical train rides.


To fuel all that biking, on Saturday evening at The First Post restaurant, we had an excellent meal of shrimp and grits for Li and pan seared scallops with summer succotash risotto for Mo, topped off with Tres Leches cake for dessert.


Our first ride the following weekend in Swatara State Park featured a reminiscent intersection of the Appalachian Trail which Mo thru-hiked in 1993.


A relaxing comfy swing at a rest spot along the Lebanon Valley Rail Trail was one of the next day’s highlights.


In October we rode a segment of the C&O (Chesapeake and Ohio) Canal Towpath which runs 184 miles from Washington DC all the way to Cumberland, MD. We started about 10 miles north of DC and rode about 23 miles towards Cumberland with the Great Falls along the Potomac River on one side and the canal with fish, turtles, and heron on the other.


We also rode on parts of a network of trails in College Park, MD on the outskirts of DC. One section paralleled the Anacostia River, and another passed through a community park with this rather unique tree carving sculpture on display.