Pacific Northwest: North Cascades (click once on photo to enlarge)
8/31/2008 thru 9/2/2008
Rainier   North Cascades   Mt. Dickerman


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Fortunately the snow and sleet that we encountered on the hike up to Easy Pass subsided by the time we reached the top, revealing views of the valley below.

The view from Easy Pass in North Cascades was reminiscent of the Canadian Rockies during our hikes in Banff National Park in 2002.

Columbine was one of the most delicate looking wildflowers that we saw along the Sourdough Mountain Trail in North Cascades.




The view from the top of Sourdough Mountain overlooking Diablo Lake, although slightly obstructed by the clouds, was still worth the climb.

We weren't the only ones crazy enough to be hiking in this weather and hoping for a view - the one other person was also kind enough to take a photo of the two of us.

After descending Sourdough Mountain, we took a walk across Diablo Dam which produces electricity for Seattle.




The massive size of Diablo Dam is quite impressive from this viewpoint, 389 feet high, it was the tallest dam in the world at the time of its construction in 1930.

Although Cascade Pass is the most popular area in the park, it is also the least accessible - the Sahale Arm trailhead was at the end of a long, narrow, twisting, gravel road - but the never ending views certainly compensated.

We chose the perfect day for this hike - in addition to great weather, it was also the day after Labor Day, so the weekend and holiday crowds had disappeared.