Cape Cod: Sanctuary (click once on any photo to display full image)
Canal  Nauset
 Provincetown  Woods Hole  Sanctuary  Acadia  Bar Harbor


The Massachusetts Audubon Society in Wellfleet runs a wildlife sanctuary with a small indoor exhibit and several outdoor walking trails. We took the most popular one with a boardwalk across a tidal marsh leading to a beach.


Although most of the walks are intended for bird watching, the most interesting feature on this one was watching the plethora of sand crabs burrowing their tunnels. The photo below shows the large sand crab population in the tidal marsh and this video depicts a few of them in action on the sand Click for Sand Crab video.


On our last night we went back to Embargo - our favorite restaurant in Hyannis - for more of it’s unique and delicious offerings. Li had the Angus sirloin with lobster cognac and I had the scallop and bacon flatbread.




